Inference To The Best Explanation

What is it?

A method for choosing between competing hypotheses.

Why is it important to what I’m working on?

Because Colyvan’s indispensability argument for a realist view of mathematical entities appears to be based on it.

Where is it found?

VOGEL, JONATHAN (1998). Inference to the best explanation. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Retrieved February 24, 2008, from

Peter Lipton, Inference to the Best Explanation, Routledge, 2nd edition

The Argument (or statement)

When choosing between competing hypotheses, one should choose the hypothesis that better explains the available data.


Factors involved in determining explanatory power in this sense include depth, comprehensiveness, simplicity and unifying power.

The Main Counter Argument

Our main goal when choosing hypotheses should be to get closer to the truth. However, the usual explanatory criteria are unrelated to truthiness.


  1. Truth is not the goal.
  1. Truth is not sole goal. Explanatory quality is also legitimate basis for hypoth. selection.

Another Issue Problem when using IBE with regard to theories involving inobservables: can formulate infinite theories involving inobservables - how can one ever verify that the IBE-based theory choice is the correct one? Seems then that one must restrict IBE usage to non-theoretical contexts.

Response - P1) In the past science has demonstrated convergence in theories. - P2) IBE has played a large role in science in the past. - C) IBE leads to the truth - Counter-args: — Above argument uses IBE and hence is circular. — {[red Some circular arguments are OK, especially when IBE is involved. Or so it’s claimed. Lipton’s book has stuff on this (an example involving snow-shoes, if I remember correctly). Jason ]} — IBE might not have been the property of sci. practice in the past that led to convergence. Indeed, it may have a deleterious effect but has just been cancelled out by some other aspect of the practice in the past. — {[red Excellent point. Jason ]}

What do I think?

— Note: this point is probably a bit rough and unclear - I will come back to it over the next couple of days and clean it up.

{[red Up to you, but might want to turn this thread mode stuff into document mode soon. See and Jason ]}

Chris Wilcox