About This Tumblelog

#Apparently there’s this thing called a tumblelog

I’ve been meaning to start a mini-blog for ages (a couple of days), but I didn’t know what to call it until today, when I discovered that people are using the word “tumblelog” for a mini-blog full of short entries (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumblelog)..) This is a nice coincidence, because one of the addresses of my site has always been tumble.tk (addendum, 2014: although no longer, because the interface for updating .tk addresses is rubbish).

So this is sort of a blog, although I’m not going to bother dating all the entries.

Jason 29/11/2007

If you want to comment on any of the entries, you just need the site password. Email me.

There will be a notification system, eventually. Do people want RSS, or email notifications, or both?

By year:

My main site: http://xeny.net
